Bilingual Books for Children

Indie Publisher for children that specialized in stories that inspire curiosity, in English and Spanish.

Picture books and puppet show

Improves reading and understanding skills

We produce high-quality stories in English and Spanish that are carefully edited to provide literary value. We are the home of Tin Bilín and Merkén, two sockpuppets that make videos about picture books to share them with their audience on YouTube.

Bilingual Picture Books for Kids
Bilingual Picture Books for KidsBilingual Picture Books for Kids

Picture books and puppet show

Improves reading and understanding skills

We produce high-quality stories in English and Spanish that are carefully edited to provide literary value. We are the home of Tin Bilín and Merkén, two sockpuppets that make videos about picture books to share them with their audience on YouTube.

Audiobooks in Spotify

Read Alouds and Puppet Show

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